Answers to Questions to Cabinet 21 January 2009



The Cabinet Member responded:

In light of the present level of central government funding, Swindon libraries along with all parts of the council have been asked to review their services. As Old Town Library is half a mile from the new Central library, which has a wider provision of stock and extended opening hours, and with the Council looking to reduce the running costs for all services, an alternative way of providing a library service in Old Town is being examined. This was to use volunteers to monitor the library during its opening hours, thus reducing the cost of running Old Town Library, by making staff savings but still providing a local service.


Councillor Foley agreed that an e-mail from a Consultant had been forwarded to her by Shirley Burnham some time ago.  This she had in turn forwarded to Allyson Jordan of the Library Service.  When advised some time later by Shirley that the Consultant had heard nothing, Councillor Foley made inquiries.  The most recent information she had received from Allyson Jordan was that the Consultant's services might be expensive and there would not be a budget for such services.  Shirley mentioned that the Consultant has kindly offered his expertise at no cost to the Council and has sent emails to this effect.  Having recently been away, Councillor Foley said she was unaware of this.

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