Decision : Cabinet : 22nd July 2009



The Cabinet decision set out below was telephoned to Shirley by Mr Terry King.  Shirley regrets that she was unable to stay for the Cabinet vote and left during a speech made by Councillor Gary Perkins who did not support the proposal to keep Old Town Library open.  His remarks were so unsympathetic that Shirley decided to take her elderly passengers home, in order not to distress them further.

Cabinet Decision : Reported by Terry King to Shirley

   .  Old Town Library will remain open;

   .  It will move to the Arts Centre;

   .  It will have one paid staff member who will be assisted by volunteers.

Shirley's Comment :

The Save Old Town Library Campaign intends to continue lobbying Council Members not to replace a paid Library Assistant with volunteers.

We should be grateful for your views about the above Cabinet Decision which will be proposed to the next Council Meeting and put to the vote.  Please contact Councillor Fionuala Foley and Councillor Rod Bluh as soon as possible with any concerns you might have.

Any Comments ?

Councillor Fionuala Foley : Lead Member for Libraries : Mail Councillor Foley

Councillor Rod Bluh, Leader of the Council :
Mail Councillor Bluh

Please mail us, too:
Mail our Campaign