Cabinet Meeting : 10 June 2009


QUESTION to CABINET and ANSWER : 10 June 2009
Public Question Time : Mrs. Shirley Burnham  -   Branch Libraries, Including Old Town Library.

Why should residents of the Old Town, Even Swindon and Gorse Hill communities lose their libraries because the council won't resolve its internal management issues and find alternative ways to fund the part-time library staff ?

The Lead Member, Councillor Foley's Answer

Councillor Foley reiterated for the record that no decision on the level of library provision had yet been made and that this will be dealt with at the Cabinet Meeting on 22nd July.


Is not the national professional body for Librarians, The Chartered Institute for Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) investigating an allegation on its website that its Swindon members recommended the use of volunteers in order to save management and back office jobs for their members?

The Lead Member, Councillor Foley's Answer

Councillor Foley responded with bewilderment and said she was unaware of this matter. She asked the Leader, Councillor Bluh, who also said he was unaware of any such investigation by CILIP.  Councillor Foley then asked the Officer, Bernie Brannan, to indicate whether he had any knowledge of it.  Mr Brannan said he had not.

               [The response is reported here from memory and not from written notes]

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If you have comments for Councillor Bluh, please click on the link below :
Councillor Roderick Bluh :    Mail Councillor Bluh

Councillor F Foley : Lead Member for Libraries :
Mail Councillor Foley