Anne Snelgrove MP
Working hard for South Swindon
Rt Hon Andy Burnham MP
Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport
2-4 Cockspur Street
Our Ref: MR/BURN01018/01090135
26 January 2009
Dear Andy
Re: Library closures in the Wirral and my constituency
I am writing regarding the proposed closures of 14 libraries and 3 leisure centres in the Wirral and several local libraries
in Swindon.
I have written to our colleagues in the Wirral who are opposed to the measures being put forward by the local council, pledging my support and offering any assistance that I can. I am particularly concerned with developments in the Wirral as I am experiencing similar problems in South Swindon. The local council are making every effort to close several local libraries despite the wishes of local residents.
Swindon Borough Council is blaming a lack of Government funding for their movement towards closing the libraries. However I have rebuked this claim and pointed to the increase in funding that Swindon has received since 1997.
I would be grateful if you would keep the issue of local libraries at the front of your agenda and ensure that these vital cultural resources are not sacrificed by local councils.
With best wishes
Yours sincerely
Anne Snelgrove MP
Labour MP for South Swindon
cc Shirley Burnham (Save Old Town Library)
7 Little London Court,
Albert Street, Swindon, SN1 3HY
Tel: 01793 615444 Fax: 01793 644752